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How you can use this resource


Students of all ages are encouraged to use the contents of this archive as the basis for projects at schools, colleges, universities and all other levels of education.


School teachers, university professors and all others engaged in education should consider making this information part of their lessons, lectures and other curricular activities.

Researchers in the fields of history, political and social sciences

After 60 years where students and teachers alike have been deprived of any information about the corporate background of WWII, it is time that the textbooks of history, as well as political and social sciences, are re-written. This archive is a primary resource for this important task.


It is unacceptable that politicians at any level of public service are unaware of these important historical facts. If you, as a politician, do not know who was ultimately responsible for the most important political event in modern history, and the human disaster that resulted from it, how can you prevent such disasters in the future?

The Media

If you are a journalist or a political commentator, you have a responsibility for accurate reporting and truthful provision of information to the public. How can you live up to this responsibility if you do not help to correct history and allow the current “curtain of ignorance” to prevail?

The General Public

All citizens of our planet, especially young people, have a right to know the truth about historic events. How else can they be responsible citizens, how else can they commit to building a better world, if they do not actively seek the truth about such important events as WWII?

This online archive can be your guide!

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